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Attention to all property owners on Mountain Lake Haliburton!!


The MOUNTAIN LAKE HALIBURTON PROPERTY OWNERS INC. has rewritten the former “Constitution” of our association.  This document will be null and void in October 2024.  

Ontario Government legislation has created new Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporation regulations that we must comply with.  We have re-written our governance document, which is now known as the MLHPOI Amended Articles of Incorporation and Amended By-Laws.  It is important that as many members of our lake community read the revised document and vote for the adoption of the Amended Articles of Incorporation and Amended By-Laws.  

For more information on this change, please log-in to the members section of our website.  

If you are a paid member of the association, but don’t have a log-in profile, please take the time to create your log-in now in order that you may review this information and be able to vote for the adoption of the new document.  

If you are a member of the association but have not yet paid your dues for 2024, now would be a good time to renew your membership to gain access to the website.  

If you are not a member of the association, please consider joining so you can become involved in MLHPOI affairs!

To access all pages please remember to
log in to your account or sign up!

Stronger Together

Welcome to The Mountain Lake Property Owners' Association 

The MLPOA is committed to maintaining a natural and community based lake. To join the Association and to find out more about our efforts on the lake please take the time to explore our website and most importantly become a member!

Join us in our efforts to connect our community.

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Use the Lost + Found, Lake Events and general inquire boards if you have something to share with the lake, utilize the discussion boards to create a stronger community connection. 

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